What is Advance Micronized Milling?

Our Advanced Milling Technology is designed to offer low micron milling solutions.

The Mass Collision Vortex Milling process enables dynamic particle collisions to improve bio efficiency (solubility, surface activity) of various materials.

The Benefits of Advance Micronized Milling?

Using our Advanced Technology, particles collide within our Vortex Mill at over 3000 times per second.

The Milling process creates a fragmented jagged surface which defines its high reactive potential, increasing the surface area and porous volume.

Through our Specialist Milling Techniques, we can achieve micron levels ≤ 10 microns.

The Activation Process:

Increases surface area of materials

Increases capacity of liquid absorption

Uniform particle distribution

Improves dispersion of powder to liquid

Services We Provide

We currently provide:

  • Toll milling Services

  • Contract Milling Services

  • Classified Milling Services

Industry We Service

Contact Us

We are always looking to expand our business and work together with like-minded people.

If you are interested in our Milling Services, or looking to become a product distributor we would love to hear from you!